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Thread Author: tobi9742
Thread ID: 3988
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ich habe mir das DHTML Menü geholt, aber an welcher Stelle in der theme.php muss ich den ode einfügen?

Die Installationsanweisungen:


0. As this release changes the infusion's folder structures, it is recommended to remove your previous installation of dhtmlmenu
from your web host. Make sure to save a copy of your infusions/dhtmlmenu/scripts/menus folder somewhere in your local computer if
you want to reuse your old menu scripts.

1. Unzip the package and upload the contents to your PHP-Fusion site appropriately

2. Defuse and reinfuse

3. Update your used themes to support the dhtml menu method

4. Rename your menu scripts backup to the default header.js and panel.js accordingly and move it back to the
infusions/dhtmlmenu/scripts/menus folder so you can reuse your menu. Else, start from scratch. lol

Installation Notes:
->Please follow the procedures accordingly.
-->Pre-modded header files are available under the templates folder
--->Please make a backup of the files that you are going to edit.
---->Install this infusion/mod at your own risk.

0. Always Backup your important files or database when you are adding something new to it.

1. Uncompress the content of the zip file and upload the infusion approriately to your PHP-Fusion Site.

2. Copy header_include.php from php-files/templates as included in the package to your
PHP-Fusion V7 themes/templates folder.

3. Open the header files from themes/templates folder of your PHP-Fusion Site and
modify the following: (A pre-modded files are already included in the package.
You can simply overwite those files if you have not done anything with it yet.)

For each header files (header.php | admin_header.php | admin_header_mce.php) ADD:

require_once THEMES."templates/header_include.php";

just before:

echo "</head>\n<body>\n";

4. Overwite the themes/templates/footer.php with the one in the package

5. Copy the boxover.js file from the package to your PHP-Fusion includes folder

6. Open the theme.php file of your currently used theme in the THEMES directory
of your PHP-Fusion Site and Insert the following on the Place
where you want the menu to appear: (Experiment with your used theme to match the DHTML MENU)
For standard call:
$menutheme = "ThemeOffice"; //Specify the Theme to use here
$menuscript = 1;
$menuorientation = "hbr";
$menueffects = 0;
$disabletips = 0;
echo "<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'><!-- \n if (!getStyleClass ('".$menutheme."MainItem')) { var l=document.createElement('link'); l.rel='stylesheet'; l.type='text/css'; l.href='".INFUSIONS."dhtmlmenu/styles/set_styles.php?mt=$menutheme&ut=".USERTHEME."'; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(l);} \n//--></script>";
require INFUSIONS . "dhtmlmenu/callmenu.php";

For AJAX Insert:
$MenuTheme = "ThemeOffice"; //Specify the Theme to use here
echo "<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>
$('#MainHeaderMenu').load('".INFUSIONS."' + 'dhtmlmenu/includes/menuloader.php?unique=".time()
."&menuscript=". 1 //1 = header menu | 2 = panel menu | 3=admin menu |actual script name
."&menutheme=". $MenuTheme
."&menuorientation=". "hbr" //[hv][ub][lr] format
."&menueffects=". 1 //MENU EFFECTS: 0 = none | 1 = slide | 2 = fade
."&disabletips=". 0 //TOOL TIPS: 0 = enabled | 1 = disabled
var l=document.createElement('link'); l.rel='stylesheet'; l.type='text/css'; l.href='".INFUSIONS."dhtmlmenu/styles/set_styles.php?mt=$MenuTheme&ut=".USERTHEME."'; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(l);

If you want to place the header menu to another location,
just add another instance of those lines then change
the MainHeaderMenu to the id of an html element that you want
to contain the menu

e.g. (Note the arrow pointing to the id of the html element)

----------------------------------------------------------------------\/ || This is the container of the menu specified by a unique id
<div id='subheader' class='floatfix'><ul class='flleft'><li id='MainHeaderMenu'>Fetching site navigation...";
$MenuTheme = "ThemeOffice"; //Specify the Theme to use here
echo "<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>

---------------------------------\/ || This is call the menu and load it to the specified id
$('#MainHeaderMenu').load('".INFUSIONS."' + 'dhtmlmenu/includes/menuloader.php?unique=".time()
."&menuscript=". 1 //1 = header menu | 2 = panel menu | 3=admin menu |actual script name
."&menutheme=". $MenuTheme
."&menuorientation=". "hbr" //[hv][ub][lr] format
."&menueffects=". 1 //MENU EFFECTS: 0 = none | 1 = slide | 2 = fade
."&disabletips=". 0 //TOOL TIPS: 0 = enabled | 1 = disabled
var l=document.createElement('link'); l.rel='stylesheet'; l.type='text/css'; l.href='".INFUSIONS."dhtmlmenu/styles/set_styles.php?mt=$MenuTheme&ut=".USERTHEME."'; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(l);

echo "</li></ul><ul class='clearfix flright'><li>".$colour_switcher->makeForm("flright")

7. CHMOD infusions/dhtmlmenu/scripts/menus, infusions/dhtmlmenu/scripts/menus/backup, infusions/dhtmlmenu/temp folder, and infusions/dhtmlmenu/images to writeable.

8. Infuse it.

9. Open the DHTML Menu Editor from the Admin Infusions Page.
You should now be able to add/delete/modify your menu items.

10. Check your website if it works fine to your taste.
Modify it to suit your taste. Images should be placed in the
dhtmlmenu/images folder.

You can modify each styles.php for all dhtml menu themes from /infusions/dhtmlmenut/styles/ directory.

11. When done configuring your menu and you are satisfied with the results,
Clean out the old navigation system and enjoy!

12. If you want to support this project in a more tangible way, you can donate any amount to via paypal. Thanks in advance!

Meine theme.php ist im Anhang.
tobi9742 hat folgende Datei angehängt: [2.24kB / 541 mal Heruntergeladen]

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Bearbeitet von tobi9742 am 18.03.2012 00000003 13:51
Weiß niemand wo ich es einfügen muss?
Bearbeitet von tobi9742 am 19.03.2012 00000003 16:05
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